Writing/Challenge Prompt

Consider this scenario.

Strange things have been happening in your little town; disappearances, illness and murders, food stores that vanish overnight. No one knows why or who, or how to stop it.

Your character becomes convinced that the animals in town–the dogs, the cats, the livestock–see things she can’t. What does your character do when all the animals leave?

Remember: Challenges are supposed to be fun, but don’t forget to stretch yourself and take risks. If you normally write fantasy, try science fiction. If you’ve never tried writing in first or second person, here’s your chance. The story doesn’t have to be a masterpiece, this is all about trying new things and gaining new skills, and most of all, having fun. Challenge stories can go up on the workshop at anytime. Put “Challenge” in the title so people can find it.

Challenges can be suggested by anyone and suggestions should be sent to Jaime (news (at) onlinewritingworkshop.com).



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