Writing Challenge

Writing prompts and challenges can come from anywhere. This month I want you to think about the word “last” and what it could mean, and what it might imply.

Think about what it means to be the last one left behind, to see the last sunset, to find the last survivor. What if you lived on the last planet to still support life? What would it feel like to know that the Fae were dying and you were leading the last wild hunt?

Think about all that and more, then flip those ideas on their head.

Remember: Challenges are supposed to be fun, but don’t forget to stretch yourself and take risks. If you normally write fantasy, try science fiction. If you’ve never tried writing in first or second person, here’s your chance. The story doesn’t have to be a masterpiece, this is all about trying new things and gaining new skills, and most of all, having fun. Challenge stories can go up at anytime.  Put “Challenge” in the title so people can find it.

Challenges can be suggested by anyone and suggestions should be sent to Jaime (news (at) onlinewritingworkshop.com).

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